Cotton Wool Aroma Tips with Essential Oils

The Cotton Wool Tip That Will Change Your Life!
Household odours are a fact of life, but you can overcome them in a matter of seconds with these solutions. Grab some cotton wool with your favourite essential oil and you can create your own DIY air freshener.
Scenarios in a home include: the smelly fridge, the bin that doesn't need emptying just yet but is smelling! While vacuuming surely there is a way to make it smell nice at the same time? Bathroom odours...
Here are some tips and tricks on how to use our Pure organic Essential Oils to keep your home smelling fresh and full of aroma deliciousness with just a cotton wool!
✨ Pop a cotton wall on your radiator with drops of your favourite essential oil. When the radiator heats up it will help the fragrance disperse throughout the air. Not for longevity but this method may help you have a quick boost of fragrance if our diffuser is on your wish list!
✨ Add a few drops of either peppermint, lemon to a cotton wool ball/pad and pop it into the bottom of the bag to help eliminate unwanted odours!
✨Add 4-6 drops of your favourite aroma on a cotton wool ball/pad in the vacuum bag to help fill your rooms with a gorgeous fresh scent, why not try 2 drops Geranium, 1 drop peppermint and 3 drops lavender: Spring Fresh!
✨If you need to remove sticker residue from a hard surface, the same materials will do the job. Apply essential oil to a cotton ball (we like eucalyptus for this) and rub it over the residue or grease stains to remove. Voila! Two ingredients with endless possibilities around the house.
✨ Give your fridge's shelves a quick wipe-down to make sure there are no lingering spills producing odours. Soak cotton wool in water and a few drops of orange essential oil and place it in a dish near the back of one of the shelves. The sweet scent will permeate your refrigerator's interior until the cotton wool dries up. When it does, replace it with a fresh one.
✨Fill a jar with cotton wall in your bathroom and make a home made diffuser by dropping some oils over the cotton wall; refresh every couple of weeks or when you lose the aroma smell.
How else can I use my Oils around the home without cotton wool?
Tips & Tricks:
Purchasing our oil sets gives you an amazing saving of over 20%.
Sending healthy delicious aroma home wishes 💚