Ways to use Organic Pure Essential oils for restless leg syndrome

Millions of people suffer from a condition called restless leg syndrome or RLS. It is not necessarily painful but causes some very uncomfortable sensations in the legs. It can be disruptive to a good night’s sleep. If you are one of the millions of sufferers, you’ve probably tried a little bit of everything for relief. Perhaps you’ve tried medications, compresses or one of several other remedies. Many people are desperately looking for something, anything that can help stop the miserable feelings. Essential oils may be a natural way to help ease the discomfort.
Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome
Some of the symptoms of RLS include irresistible urges to constantly move your legs. Many describe these urges as being accompanied by an uncomfortable tugging or pulling sensation. Most of the time, symptoms are experienced in the evening or at bed time interfering with sleep. Being deprived of sleep can bring with it a host of health problems and diminish your overall quality of life. Here are a few statistics about RLS:
- Approximately 1 out of 10 people are affected by RLS
- Adults and children can both experience RLS
- Symptoms can become more pronounced, longer and more frequent as you age
- RLS onset doesn’t indicate any neurological conditions or diseases
Common symptoms include:
- Legs feeling uncomfortable
- Urges to move your legs a lot
- Sensations can feel like pulling, throbbing, tingling, or tugging
- Both legs are usually affected
- Movement brings some relief from discomfort so affected individuals might move their legs back and forth, rub their legs, stretch or bend them
- Symptoms of restless leg syndrome can be worse later in the day and at night
- Trying to rest can activate the symptoms
- Long periods of inactivity such as driving, or sitting might cause symptoms
How Do Essential Oils Help with RLS?
Essential oils are made from plant parts including the bark, leaves, roots, seeds, stems and flowers. Their therapeutic properties are potent. Not only are they beneficial for promoting both physical and mental health, but they can help relieve pain caused by irritated nerves and ease muscle spasms which can help calm restless legs. EOs have a variety of properties that may be beneficial for calming RLS. Many of them are antispasmodic, anti-neuralgic, calming, and analgesic.
Top Essential Oils to Use to Calm RLS
Before trying these essential oil remedies, remember oils should always be mixed with a carrier oil. Use the oil of your choice like olive oil, seed oil, or sweet almond oil. Due to their potency, they can harm your skin if used full strength, or they can cause some skin sensitivity. It is a good idea to do a small patch test to see if and how the skin is going to react before applying an oil or oil blend on a larger area.
Here are the top oils to use for relief from RLS:
The soothing aroma of peppermint essential oil can be beneficial for offering some relief from restless legs. Peppermint can also help relieve muscular pain and aching joints because it has a cooling effect along with its antispasmodic and analgesic properties. It’s refreshing and uplifting. Here is a recipe using peppermint oil.
For a great massage rub that can be applied directly to the legs try this blend:
- 2 drops of Peppermint
- 4 drops of Geranium
- 4 drops of Tea Tree
- 4 teaspoons of carrier oil
To make a cold compress with peppermint oil mix 4 drops each of the above in two cups of cold water. Stir it gently to blend. Dip a cotton towel into the oil and water and allow it to absorb the blend. Wrap the towel around your legs. If you would prefer using two towels, double the recipe.
Lavender oil is known for its therapeutic properties and is often used because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic affect on aching joints and muscles. It is well known among oil users for calming the mind and soothing the body. Lavender can help eliminate stress, fear, tension and anxiety which contribute to muscle tension leading to RLS.
For a relaxing bath blend use our signature night calm blend lavender, geranium and frankincense.
Bath Salt blend ideas for relief
- 10 drops of Lavender Oil
- 5 drops of Frankincense Oil
- 5 drops of Geranium Oil
- Epsom Salt
Mix these ingredients in a 2-ounce jar and use it as a bath salt. Put this oil blend in your next bath for relief. More helpful bath salt blend advice read here and our set to purchase (will last you at least a month with daily use other tips and tricks to use oils here!)
- 5 drops of Peppermint Oil
- 5 drops of Lemon Oil
- 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil
- Epsom Salt
and our set to purchase (will last you at least a month with daily use other tips and tricks to use oils here!)
Travel Spray for Relief
- 9 drops of Peppermint Oil
- 8 drops of sweet orange Oil
- 8 drops of Tea Tree Oil
- fill with water and shake lots (can add some salts to help the oil and water mix)
- Empty travel bottle
Mix all these ingredients in a 2-ounce spray bottle. The mixture can be carried with you and sprayed on the legs any time you feel discomfort. Our set to purchase (select peppermint, lemon and tea tree on drop down list)
One of the good things about essential oils is their versatility. There are a variety of ways oils can be mixed and used.
I hope some of these tips help you. Please let us know if you have any other tips too we would love to hear from you.
Healthy Wishes