Journaling tips for helping us reconnect to ourselves

- You don't have to keep a paper journal. The choice is yours!
- Write when it suits you - your time of day for reconnecting
- Start small and keep your expectations realistic.
- If you've got writer's block, write about gratitude.
- Try a new environment.
- Schedule your journaling into your day.
Some writing tips
Start with some simple questions:
- What if you Never fail what would you do?
- Why did I start?
- What do I want to achieve?
- Whats important to me?
My great Aunt Alice had this beautiful poem part of her journaling that she had on her wall to reflect on her journey of life giving thanks. I use this in my body balance class often to set the intention of thanks at the end of practice. The words are really special to me and my soul certainly reflects and holds my dear Aunt Alice close.
My Thanks.
People everywhere in life from every walk and station from every town and city and every state and nation.
Have given me so many things intangible and dear. I couldn't begin to count them all or even make them clear.
I only know I owe so much to people everywhere and when I put my thoughts in verse its just a way to show the musing of a thankful heart a heart much like your own.
For nothing that I think or write is mine and mine alone. So if you have found some beauty in any word or line its just your souls reflection in proximity with mine.
Auntie Alice
Thanks again to Kay @kinship_creativedc a special lady to gather kindred souls. Hayley of @southwoodsocialhub and Bryony of @_spacetogether sharing this wisdom helping me to reconnect through journaling.
Wishing you lots of journaling fun to reconnect with you.
Becky x