Did you know a tummy massage boosts self-worth? Here's how!

That is why our tummy area including our belly buttons is related to self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. Since the skin is extremely thin here, with over 72,000 nerve endings, soothing this area directly soothes the brain and improves our ability to relax. I try to do oil massage at least once a week. At this time of year the season change drys our skin out, which can easily provoke anxious feelings if not balanced through food and lifestyle. Warm oil massage is nourishing and nurturing, and by stimulating tummy nerves you can help support self-esteem and digestion. A great time I find to do this is at night before bed, helping the internal systems and organs to relax and reset overnight.
How to Apply Oil:
- Take a small pea sized amount of sweet almond oil or carrier oil of your choice or massage oil set with essential oils (super boost your health with the benefits of essential oils to make your own blend), warm this in your hands first.
- Apply directly to your tummy including your belly button and massage it in a circular and clockwise motion until the oil has been absorbed.
Tender touch is now known to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, decrease stress hormones such as cortisol and trigger the release of painkilling opiates (endorphins).
Sending healthy nourishing skin wishes
references on navel oiling Jasmine Hemsley. Image Credit: @jannesjacobs